Chapter 2 - Useful Resources

It is unthinkable to consider a trip through Yarmouth without a tide table. On a Hunters yacht, there is one in the information pack. Other sources are listed in the links. Other useful but non essential things are:

* A mobile phone, for contacting Breydon Bridge and the Yacht Station.

* Marine VHF: an alternative form of contact. (I’ve never used it, but if you have a handheld it would be worth taking. You can also use it to contact the railway swing bridges).

* GPS: Accurate speed and position information.

* Hamilton’s Navigations: highly detailed charts which show hazards and emergency moorings. (Sadly now out of print).

* A dinghy: If you have one in tow it can be useful (as will be seen).

* Oars/paddles: for progress where it’s too deep to quant.
