5 - Up the Bure

Because it is not yet slack water, you will need to wait before venturing up the Bure. You’ve got an hour or more, so make a brew and relax. You can’t go anywhere, so enjoy the surprise on others faces when they see you there. I always leave dropping the mast to the end, to make life more comfortable in the well. As slack water approaches, drop the mast and keep an eye on the current. Unfortunately it’s not a hard and fast guide as the surface water can continue to run off long after the water below surface is flowing up river. If in doubt, call the Yacht Station. They will be happy to advise you. Cast off and head through the bridges, it should be straightforward. Once through it’s probably easiest to use the masting moorings just above the road bridge, unless it’s a dead lee shore. In this case you may want to quant up a bit further round the bend to be better placed for hoisting sail.
