
The essential navigation guide used to be Hamiltons Navigations by Jamie Campbell. Sadly this is now out of print and there is no comparable alternative. If you can get hold of a copy it’s still very useful and informative, although becoming out of date.

For more information on Hunter's Yard and the boats, read Richard Johnstone-Bryden's excellent book "Hunter's Fleet"

For maps I recommend the 1:25000 Ordnance Survey map of the Broads  for a large scale detailed map, although the 1:50,000 Landranger mapis adequate and a little cheaper.  For more of a tourist map the Geoprojects map is hard to beat.

If you want to know more about the Broads and their history and geography, the following are good places to start:

The Broads (Official National Park Guide)

The Man Who Found the Broads: A Biography of George Christopher Davies by Jamie Campbell

Eating and drinking is fairly well covered in Hamilton's, but for a specific guide, try the Cruising Guide to Inns and Taverns: Norfolk Broads by Rose Lewis.  If, like me, you are a Real Ale fan, you may want to cross reference to the CAMRA Good Beer Guide.

For the ultimate entertaining read about a sailing holiday on the broads, The Art of Coarse Sailing by Michael Green is unbeatable. Other authors with stories set on the broads are Arthur Ransome with two of his Swallows and Amazons stories, Coot Club and The Big Six, and CP Snow with his period detective novel Death Under Sail.
