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By beer of course I am referring to Real Ale. I first discovered the delights of Real Ale as a student in Hull in the 1970's. This was a time when the Campaign for Real Ale was just starting to turn back the tide of mass produced keg beers that the major breweries were promoting. Most of the beers I enjoyed then came from breweries that have now gone, such as Hull Brewery and Darleys or now offer a pale imitation of former great brews like Tetleys. Fortunately nowadays we have a plethora of new breweries and I until I left the UK I was fortunate to live very close to a rather fine one: Fallen Acorn, (formerly Oak Leaf). which produces a wide and varied range of quality ales. Now that I reside in Spain I have little access to such great beers, howevre I have discovered one or two fine Spanish craft ales, such as Besaro.Also I have discovered the Gibraltar Barbary Beer, Brewed for Gibraltar by Bushy's of the Isle of Man.

Over time I hope to add articles here about beer festivals, breweries etc.
