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The Boat

Over the years I have sailed boat from several Broads yards.  Many of these have now withdrawn from the sailing market and only offer motor boats.  In recent years however, I have discovered the delights of Hunter’s Yard.  The yard, tucked away at the end of its own little dyke off Womack Water is almost like a time warp.  There are no motor boats and all the yachts are traditional wooden vessels in varnished mahogany.  As an avowed traditionalist I find the Hunter’s boats, which were built in the 1930’s and 40’s offer the kind of experience I seek.  Gaff rigged, un-modernised, and without the dubious benefit of an auxiliary engine, progress is entirely dependent on the wind and the crew’s muscle.  There is no electricity aboard.  Lighting is by oil lamps and cooking is a gas stove outside in the well.  Headroom in the cabin is sitting only, although a lifting central roof section allows an improvement when moored up.  A clockwork radio will serve for weather forecasts, and mobile phone batteries will have to be carefully conserved.

Small_Ready_to_go      Below_small

Our particular boat on this trip is Lullaby, a four berth craft built in 1932.  She is therefore of similar age to our oldest crew member.  The fourth berth allows the luxury of a bit more space.  We will also take with us a small pram dinghy, equipped with oars and a tiny lug sail.  This will be towed behind.


I have sailed Lullaby before, and am looking forward to the re-acquaintance. 
