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Details about my professional sailing.

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A busy few weeks

Earlier this autumn I had the opportunity to teach a Day Skipper course up on the East Coast It was great to work with Hamilton Sailing and overall the course was a good success. I'm booked back with them for several courses next year. Meanwhile my own learning continues apace. I've recently completed an Advanced Powerboat course. I am also part way through a Dinghy Instructor course. Later this month I am also booked to do an Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence exam and to do a powerboat instructor course.

A Summer Summary

August bank holiday and the summer is, in theory, nearly over. It has been a busy one, with full time work and also trying to establish myself as a Sail Cruising Instructor. I have spent several weekends and a full week working for verious sailing schools. This has involved introductions to Solent Sailing, Stary Yachting, Competent Crew, Day Skipper and ICC. One of the more interesting and unusual was looking after a group of yougsters doing a Duke of Edinburgh's Award Gold Expedition in a yacht.

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