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Professional Sailing

My professional sailing began in 1976 as a Dinghy Instructor at the YMCA  National Centre, Fairthorne Manor. That lasted through the summer of 1976 before I went off into other parts of the outdoor industry and then a career in IT. Latterly I have made a return to the professionial arena, but this time primarily in sail cruising. I am available for freelance work in the following roles:

  • Yacht delivery.
  • Charter skipper.
  • Sail Cruising Instructor.
  • Shorebased Instructor.
  • Powerboat Instructor
  • Inland Waterways Instructor.
  • Dinghy and Keelboat Instructor
  • VHF/SRC Assessor

I may also be available for the right long term role as a charter skipper or instructor.

Explore the sub menus for more details.
