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Three Rivers Race

The Annual Three Rivers Race, organised by Horning Sailing Club is the highlight of many a Broads sailor's calendar. I won't describe the race in detail here, it has bee better done both on the Horning Sailing Club website and on the Three Rivers Race fan site. I have been fortunate enough to race in every one from 2006 to 2013. Always with skipper Graeme Salt, owner of Wandering Rose although in 2007 aWandering Rose was out of the water for repairs so we hired a yacht.

In 2007 and 2008 I wrote up a brief report. Each of these reports can be accessed from the menu.

Fellow crew member Tony (PizzaLover) has also done write ups which appear on the Threee Rivers Race webnsite. These are linked below. They also benefit from lots of pictures.



2010 (Preparation)



